An inspiring man!

Four, maybe five hours of sleep; my son, restless through the night. A half-finished ‘let’s do something different’ presentation in my head. Another son to get to school and a train to catch. Umm, perhaps my red trainers would not be welcome in corporate Manchester today.

There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.

There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.

Hat, neckerchief, jewellery and a checked suit and aviator shades. A pensioner. I beamed at him. My welcoming smile guided him to sit with me. I knew then I shouldn’t have worn the brogues.

A 20 minute amazing conversation and connection with a truly inspiring man. Now 73.

Alan Bradbury

Alan Bradbury

His life story. Him changing. Now helping others. He decided to change his life around at 47.

Nothing and nobody else mattered in that 20 minutes together. It didn’t matter that I hadn’t finished the presentation I was about to give. It didn’t matter that everyone around us was eavesdropping. Sinners & saints, fear & freedom, identity, Vivienne Westwood, alcohol & drugs, sexual abuse & forgiveness, change… and red trainers.

There’s a documentary being made about Allan’s life. Here’s the trailer:

Two things:

  • Do you want to change your life? You can and you are never too old

  • Why conform? Want to wear ‘X’ (substitute here… red trainers, neckerchief etc.)? Do it, be YOU!

There seems to be an growing epidemic on trains now where we hide behind our phones. Such a pity. Lost opportunities to connect with people instead. The encounter today reminded me of this:

Being open, honest and connecting with another human being whilst being totally in the moment. One of life’s most blissful experiences.

Fantastic to meet you Allan. You made my day.



Good Friends